Friday, July 24, 2009

section 201 - Health Insurance Exchange

Wow - this is going to take a long time! I'm not even 10% of the way through this beast. Fortunately, it sounds like the House is not going to rush this to a vote before their summer break so maybe I'll be able to get through most of this before they do.

Here are some new terms:
Health Insurance Exchange - facilitate access of individuals and employers, through a transparent process, to a variety of choices of affordable, quality health insurance coverage, including a public health insurance option.

Acceptable coverage - you're insured under a plan that meets the fed's requirements, or insured under a plan that doesn't but it's in the grace period.

The rollout of the new exchange is phased:
year 1: people who are not insured, those who have medicaid but meet some really specific circumstances, employers with less than 10 employees

year 2: same people as above, employers with less than 20 employees

year 3: all people, all employers.

Note that none of the above lists any restriction about citizenship, legal status, etc. We are freakin' nuts.

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